Themeing Windows Terminal With Oh-My-Posh

Posted by 孫胖 on 2024-01-02

Nerd Font

JetBrainsMono Nerd Font

Get Oh-My-Posh

Install Winget

Install Oh-My-Posh

winget install JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh

Configuring Oh-My-Posh

Git Bash

  • .bash_profile
  • .profile
    eval "$(oh-my-posh --init --shell bash --config ~/AppData/Local/Programs/oh-my-posh/themes/tokyonight_storm.omp.json)"

Color Scheme


  • Tokyo Night Storm
              "background": "#24283B",
              "black": "#414868",
              "blue": "#7AA2F7",
              "brightBlack": "#414868",
              "brightBlue": "#7AA2F7",
              "brightCyan": "#7DCFFF",
              "brightGreen": "#73DACA",
              "brightPurple": "#BB9AF7",
              "brightRed": "#F7768E",
              "brightWhite": "#C0CAF5",
              "brightYellow": "#E0AF68",
              "cursorColor": "#C0CAF5",
              "cyan": "#7DCFFF",
              "foreground": "#A9B1DC",
              "green": "#73DACA",
              "name": "Tokyo Night Storm",
              "purple": "#BB9AF7",
              "red": "#F7768E",
              "selectionBackground": "#28344A",
              "white": "#C0CAF5",
              "yellow": "#E0AF68"

#Windows Terminal #Oh-My-Posh

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